Officers with the Swainsboro Police Department (SPD) reported…
March 7
Officer responded to South Main Street in reference to a report of criminal trespass. Upon ar-rival, officer spoke with the complainant who is a member of the management team. He stat-ed that there was a man sitting in the parking lot with a sign, and they asked him to leave but he keeps returning to the property. A criminal trespass was issued, and the offender cannot return to the location until 9/7/2025.
March 8
Officer was patrolling and stopped at South Main Street. He was approached by c/p who stated that someone had taken his money. He stated that he went into the store to get change for a one-hundred-dollar bill, but the employee stated that she could not break a bill that big. a man then approached him and stated that he could break his bill. After paying for his things, they went to the offender’s truck, and he told him to follow him to the 24-hour store down the road. When they arrived at the store, the offender would not give c/p his money and threatened him with violence.
Officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle that was speeding. While speaking with the driver, officer could smell a strong odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle. A search was conducted, and a green, leafy substance suspected to be marijuana was located. Offender was arrested.
Officer responded to Gumlog Road in reference to a report on a stolen bike that had been re-covered. C/p stated that he received a call telling him that his son’s bicycle that had been stolen was located on Lewis Street but had been cut in half.
Officer was dispatched to a domestic in progress on North Main Street. The victim states that she and her boyfriend were having a verbal altercation before visiting the store and he began to choke her when entering the store, leaving her unconscious. The offender then left the store. Offender was later located and arrested.
Officers were dispatched to Gumlog Road in reference to someone who had been assaulted. Upon arrival, victim was located and had blood all over her arms and legs. EMS was request-ed due to an open wound on her arm. She stated that the offender had fled the scene.
March 9
Officer responded to North Main Street in reference to a report of terroristic threats. Upon ar-rival, officer observed c/p/victim and the offender speaking to each other in what appeared to be an argument. Victim told officer that the offender would not leave her alone. She was advised of the remedies available to her as well as how she can make arrangements to gather her things at the residence they share.
911 dispatched officers to respond to a report of vehicle damage located on North Coleman Street. C/p was in the driveway of the residence and stated that on the previous day, she had been involved in an argument with her child’s father, where he allegedly began verbally abusing her. For her safety, she left the residence with her child. She later received a text from the offender threatening her pets that were still at the residence. She later observed that both driver-side tires of her vehicle had been punctured. Officers attempted to locate the offender, but were not able to make contact, A misdemeanor arrest warrant was obtained.
March 10
Officer was dispatched to SPD in reference to a walk in. A male subject informed the officer that he was trying to pay his phone bill earlier that day and discovered that it was really high. He contacted his phone carrier and was informed that several lines were opened on his account that he was not aware of.
March 11
Officer was dispatched to Turner Drive in reference to a problem with a person. C/p stated that his ex-girlfriend had left the residence about 4 days before after living there for nine years. She later returned and began beating on the door and yelling at him. She returned the next day and was threatening to do physical harm to him. C/p was advised of further ac-tions in order to have her removed from the property.
Officer was dispatched to SPD in reference to an individual that requested to speak to an of-ficer. C/p stated that on the Sunday before, she and her husband found messages between her juvenile daughter and a male subject. The messages obtained information regarding them having an inappropriate relationship. C/p advised that the offender lived next door to them.
Officer was called to come to SPD for a woman wanting to make a report. C/p stated that the offender had been following her, and she did go get a temporary protective order, but wanted to report the offender following her for court.
Officer was dispatched to SPD in reference to a person that needed to speak to an officer. C/p stated that she got home from work late the evening before and when she woke up the next morning, found her vehicle to have been ransacked. She also discovered her wallet to be missing. No fingerprints were found due to rain the night before.
Officer was dispatched to South Main Street in regard to a problem with a person. C/p stat-ed that an associate causing a disturbance in the store by arguing with another employee. Offender told officers that he was upset due to not getting paid by the store. He left the store shortly following the encounter.
A female entered SPD requesting to make a report. She stated that her food stamp funds were spent immediately after being loaded onto her card. She also stated that this was not the first time this occurred. C/p provided paperwork.
Officer was dispatched to South Coleman Street in reference to a report of miscellaneous items found in a storage unit. C/p stated that he purchased the contents of the unit and discovered a small container that held multiple different electronic cards, social security cards, a prescription pad, and multiple pieces of mail. All of the items belonging to different individuals.
911 dispatched officers to Prosperity Drive in reference to a runaway juvenile. The juvenile had been missing from their residence for 20-30 minutes. The father stated that the juvenile was supposed to be doing her homework, but was not, and an argument started. When her brother went to find her, she was lying in a ditch and when he tried to get her to come home, she started to scream for help. Officers could smell an odor of alcoholic beverage coming from the father’s breath. A woman approached officers stating that she had the juvenile at her house.
March 12
Officer observed a vehicle that he was following failing to maintain their lane of travel. A traffic stop was initiated. The driver did not understand English, so the passenger translat-ed. The passenger was found to be a wanted subject and was arrested.
Officer was dispatched to North Main Street in reference to a fraud report. An employee at the establishment stated that on February 13, the officer deposited a large amount of money, and it was later found that a check with the same number and amount was fraudulently cashed into a different bank account. The bank agreed to return the funds.
Officer was dispatched to South Main Street in reference to a dispute involving two vehicles. C/p stated that she was parked in the parking lot and observed offender driving the wrong way through the lot. An argument ensued and the offender hit c/p’s vehicle with hers and proceeded to walk into the store. Offender stated that she did drive the wrong way, but that c/p was yelling and cursing at her which led to the argument. No damage was located on the vehicles.
Officer was dispatched to North Main Street in reference to a complaint of littering on the property. Upon arrival, the property owner explained that the owners of the land behind his had been constantly littering on his land for several years. Contact was made with the of-fender, and both were advised of the steps they could take to handle the ongoing issue.
An abandoned vehicle was located on East Pine Street and was obstructing traffic and creat-ing a potential hazard. The owner was contacted and acknowledged the location of the vehi-cle. They further indicated they would pay the towing fee.
Officer took a walk-in report at SPD in reference to a stolen firearm. C/p reported that she believes the firearm was stolen while she was out of town. She did not immediately notice it to be missing but became aware when she was cleaning out her vehicle.
Officer was dispatched to Lewis Street to assist Emanuel County Fire and EMS with gaining entry into a locked apartment where an elderly female had fallen and was unable to get up. Officers were able to get into the residence and help assist the woman.
Officers were dispatched to South main Street in reference to a shoplifting that had just oc-curred. 911 advised that the offender had left the establishment. Offender was located and arrested.
Officer was assisting with a traffic stop on North Green Street and West Church Street. The offender was being arrested and searched. Suspected marijuana was located on his person.
Officer was dispatched to SPD in reference to a walk-in report. C/p stated that his vehicle had sustained damage while he was in town earlier and that he did not notice it until he ar-rived at his residence and began to wash his vehicle.
Officers were dispatched to North Racetrack Street in reference to multiple 911 calls about a large crowd and people fighting. Officer observed the crowd upon arrival. A male was locat-ed with a gun but after running through the system, the gun had no record. The crowd was then dispersed.
March 13
Officer was flagged down by a motorist on Thigpen Drive regarding her vehicle being broken down. C/p stated that she would like to wait for roadside assistance to arrive.
Officer was dispatched to Harmon Park in reference to a female subject requesting assistance. According to 911, the female would not answer any questions and hung up quickly. Upon arrival, the officers were not able to make contact with the caller. 911 called her back and she stated that she no longer needed assistance.
911 dispatched officers to respond to a possible altercation at South Anderson Drive. Officers made contact with c/p and she stated that the offender came to the residence and began making verbal threats and left the scene before officers arrived.
Officer responded to Oaklawn Drive in reference to a report of someone trespassing at the pond on the property. The landowner was out of town, and no one was supposed to be on the property. The offender stated that the next-door neighbor gave him permission, but the land owner stated that only she can give permission to fish on her land. The offender was issued a criminal trespass warning.
Officer responded to North Anderson Drive in reference to a report. C/p stated that one of her tenants contacted her by phone and advised her that he had been arrested and asked her to enter his apartment and retrieve money to pay for his rent. She observed that his window was open, so she called the police to enter the residence for her safety. The money was miss-ing from the location it was supposed to be in and police exited the apartment.
Officers responded to Center Street in reference to a fight. When officers arrived, c/p stated that the people involved had already left the scene.
Officer was dispatched to South Main Street in reference to a concerned citizen asking for a welfare check on a parent that was holding a child down in the bushes. Officers approached the grandmother who stated that the juvenile got mad and wanted the same meal as his older brother and started to hit his mother. The child ran out the front door of the business to the parking lot. The mother stated that her son has mental disabilities. She stated that she was holding the child down to calm him down.
Officer responded to South Circle Drive in reference to a report of terroristic threats. C/p stat-ed that the offender came to her office, knocked on the door, and asked if they did TPOs at her place of work. The offender later started yelling and cursing at c/p stating that her place of work had issued three TPOs against her son.
Officer was dispatched to South Main Street in reference to a man throwing an unknown ob-ject at a vehicle and threatening the driver. The suspect was located, and marijuana was found on his person. Offender was arrested.
March 14
Officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle with no insurance. Driver was told to find a ride and vehicle was towed.
Officer was dispatched to Emanuel Medical Center in reference to a patient in the ER being irate and violent. C/p stated that offender visited the ER for mental evaluation and while waiting in one of the rooms, started acting irate and attempted to cause damage to several medical devices. Offender was arrested.
March 15
Officer responded to Easy Stop in reference to an irate female. Complainant stated she and offender had words, and she got in her truck and offender started beating on her window yelling at her and busted the mirror. Offender stated c/p jumped on her.
March 16
Officer was dispatched to Turner Dr. in reference to a welfare check. Complainant advised she had been trying to get in touch with victim but was unable to. Officer did not make con-tact with victim and noticed a strong odor of ammonia chemical coming from the area of the side door and requested EMS. Noone was found inside the residence and a neighbor in-formed officers that the victim was seen leaving with a female subject the day prior.
Officers were dispatched to Oaklawn Dr. in reference to someone trespassing in the pond be-longing to complainant.
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