Members of the Skunk Brigade traveled to Washington, GA to attend the 246th Anniversary Kettle Creek Battlefield event on Saturday, February 8, at 9:50 a.m. on the square. The Skunk Brigade attendees were Steve Burke, Dess Smith III, Lee Herron, Bernard Martin, Bernard Martin II, Benjamin Martin, Don Basemore, Alton Reynolds and Gary Mason. All nine of them participated in the Georgia Color Guard in presenting The Colors led by the National Color Guard Commander Scott Collins. The event started that morning with the raising of the Betsy Ross Flag on the courthouse square and a 3-round volley with the Georgia Society Militia firing their flintlocks. The Combined Color Guard and Militia fired their flintlocks to Salute and Honor the Wilkes County Militia – (The Heroes of the Hornets’ Nest) and all Revolutionary War Patriots. At 10:30 a.m., they all joined in a parade around Washington square twice. At 11:15 a.m., the Militia and other re-enactors presented a dramatic portrayal of the Battle at Kettle Creek behind the Wilkes County Courthouse with the Skunk Brigade firing their 6 pounder cannons 20 times during the re-enactment. Then at 12 p.m., the Color Guard and Militia presented arms and fired a thunderous musket salute as the Revolutionary War Colors were lowered and our Present-day National Colors were raised on the Wilkes County Courthouse flagpole. At 2:30 p.m., they all met at War Hill, the site of the battle of Kettle Creek, to present wreaths and to honor the Heroes of the Hornets’ Nest for their 1779 Victory. The Skunk Brigade took their four cannons and fired a 3-round volley while alternating with the militia firing their flintlocks.
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