The Seedling Garden Club held its monthly meeting on Monday, February 10, 2025, in the First Methodist Church Social Hall. President Nancy Lisenby called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and welcomed everyone and gave an Inspirational moment titled “Pruning”. A very timely inspiration due to February being the month to do a lot of plant pruning. God will help us cut away things in our own lives that need pruning. This happening to remind us of this pruning is necessary some time in our lives, like to the plant pruning, help us to produce more beautiful lives. Sixteen members and four visitors were present.
President Lisenby introduced Mary Alice Applegate who presented the program for the meeting. Applegate’s program was on “Native Plants and the Benefits of Them.” Alice is a former resident of Swainsboro, now living in Tifton. After retirement her passion for lifetime native plants became her passion. Alice is a member of several Native Plant Societies throughout the State. Sharing slides of pictures of her yard of native plants which she states, “nine months out of the year” she is working on planting native plants. Reminding us that starting with mostly foreign plants (brought over by the settlers) was what she wanted to achieve. Two things have caught her attention since less native plants are planted. This includes decline in insects and bird population. Also, wildlife lives off plants. In her very informative program, we were reminded the way to grow plants, how to winter sow seeds etc.
Standing Committee reports: Yonna Bailey, Yard of the Month Chairman, announced Yard of the Month was given to Emanuel County Nursing Home. Vice President, Lucille Braswell reported a nomination committee has been appointed to get officers for the 2025-2027 garden club term. Secretary, Amber Albritten, passed out minutes from the last meeting. Treasurer, Kay Peacock presented the treasurers report. Both of these were approved as presented.
Old Business: Three trees along Meadowlake Parkway have been replaced and watering bags placed around them. These were trees planted by the club and blown over by Helene.
New Business: Club voted to make donations to six of GCG projects. Club also voted to make a donation to Deep South Garden Club Convention. Arbor Day tree to be planted with location to be announced.
Paula Karrh, horticulture chairman, provided presentation on plants that can be planted now. She gave very informative information on Camellia Culture. She shared some of her beautiful camellia blooms from her garden and encouraged everyone to ride around town and admire the camellias blooming in Swainsboro.
Using a Valentine Motif hostesses served refreshments of pimento cheese sandwiches, fresh fruit, mixed nuts, valentine cookies, red velvet cupcakes and an assortment of sodas and water. All was served from Valentine serving dishes. Overlooking the refreshment table was a Valentine Fairy perched on a garden bench. Hostesses were Cheryl Goodman and Kay Peacock.
President Lisenby adjourned the meeting with Yonna Bailey winning the door prize.
The Seedling Garden Club is a member of National Gardens Clubs, Inc., Deep South Garden Clubs, Inc., The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. and Oleander District.
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