The very cold rain didn’t stop Seedling Garden Club from meeting on Monday, March 10, at the Swainsboro First Methodist church social hall. Fourteen members gathered at 5:30 p.m. for their monthly meeting.
President Nancy Lisenby called the meeting to order and thanked everyone for coming on such a stormy night. She gave a special welcome back to member, Linda Dekle, who has been unable to attend several meetings due to illness. Everyone was glad to see her back. President Lisenby gave an inspirational moment using a devotional from Joyce Myers. Title of devo-tional was, “Need pruning for closer work with God.” Using pruning dead limbs and foliage from plants as example, we as humans also need pruning at times. Very inspirational mo-ment for garden club ladies.
Officer Reports: Yard of the month chairman Yonna Bailey announced that Peggy Key re-ceived Yard of the Month for March. Vice President Lucille Braswell reported we are still working on new officers for 2025-2027. These will be installed in May 2025. Secretary Amber Albritten presented minutes from the February meeting. Treasurer Kay Peacock presented the treasurers report. Both of these were approved as presented.
Old Business: Members were reminded of the GCG State Convention to be held in Augusta on April 29-30. Several members have already registered to attend this convention. For Arbor Day in February, the club replanted the damaged trees on Meadowlake Parkway that storm Helena destroyed.
New Business: Amber Albritton will go to Emanuel County Nursing Home to dead head plants in planters. This is an ongoing project of the club. Nancy reminded members of the Southern University plant sale on April 5th and 6th. Also, UGA field trials plant sale on April 5th in Athens. Both are great events. To replace the formal Arbor Day Tree Planting, the club voted to plant a Liberty Tree (American Elm Tree) at the local VFW (with permis-sion). This planting is in support of the SAR The Liberty Tree Project. The SAR goal is to plant 250 in different parts of the country. More information will be shared when club plants tree.
Paula Karrh, horticulture chairman, sent horticulture moments by e-mail. These are always helpful for members to know what to do with plants each month. One that stood out this month was to leave foliage on bloomed out daffodils and bulbs. Bulbs need energy from browning foliage. Wanda Scarboro, our “Bird Lady”, gave an update on the hummingbirds coming. They should arrive in our area in the next two weeks, so get feeders ready.
The speaker for the meeting was unable to attend to present the program due to an emergen-cy. We still had a good program presented by all members present. It was fun and informa-tive as members held a club discussion on favorite perennials grown with success. It was great learning different favorites and how they grew them. Some plants were new to some members. We garden club ladies can always make a bad situation into a great learning situa-tion. It was great for membership to make a program happen.
Members enjoyed a St. Patrick’s Day refreshment table. A cute Leprechaun centered on the serving table greeted everyone. Using shamrock shaped plates, the hostesses served key lime cake, chips, fresh fruit and soda. Hostesses for the meeting were Wanda Ellis and Joye Steele.
President Lisenby adjourned the meeting with Linda Dekle winning the door prize. She wished the “Luck of the Irish” to you on March 17.
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