The Kiwanis Club of Swainsboro held its weekly meeting Tuesday night, February 18, at the Rustic Grille at 6:30 p.m. With President Paul Cerpovicz presiding, they had 17 in attendance, including six guests, Jim, Michelle and Jacobi Thibodeau from the Statesboro Kiwanis Club, and Elijah Alexander and Joelle Romanchik-Cerpovicz. Wanda Ellis won the lemon pie and Elijah Alexander won the Domino’s Pizza. President Paul talked about the libraries LFL project. On February 21, as part of the Arbor Day events honoring Denny Key, the first LFL will be opened at the Fulford Center on the East Georgia State College campus. They will be assembling the remainder of the LFLs on February 22, from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Fulford Center. Paul reminded them about activities associated with the libraries LFL project. Cheryl Goodman introduced Kiwanian Jeff Palmer who gave a history of the Swainsboro Kiwanis Club including the founding in 1922 and the acceptance of female members by Kiwanis International in 1987. He noted that the Club is really more like an organization than a social club; they do community service by committing time and resources to serve the community. He encouraged them to continue to recruit members who can help carry out their mission of service, and noted they need to recruit among their circle of friends and associates, promote corporate memberships, and develop promotional Kiwanis materials and activities.
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