The following occurred during the Emanuel County Superior Court January 2025 term:
Jimmy Alston, repeat offender, negotiated a guilty-alford plea on one count fleeing or at-tempting to elude police officer. He was fined $5,000 with 10 years to serve; one count driv-ing while license suspended with 12 months probation to run consecutive with count one; one count failure to wear safety belt with $15 fine. Defendant is sentenced for a total of 11 years, with the first 10 years to be served in confinement and the remainder to be served on probation. De-fendant is to receive credit for time served in custody as determined by the custodian. Upon service of 10 years, the remainder of the sentence may be served on probation; PROVIDED, that the defendant shall comply with the conditions of probation imposed by the Court as part of this sentence. The Court sentences the defendant as a recidivist under O.C.G.A. § 17-10-7(c).
Lynn Edward Jones negotiated a guilty plea on one count driving while license suspended (felony). He was fined $2,500 with 5 years probation, enter and complete DRC. Defendant is sentenced for a total of 5 years to be served on probation. Defendant is to receive credit for time served in custody from 1/9/25 – 2/26/25. The above sentence may be served on proba-tion provided the defendant shall comply with the Conditions of Probation imposed by the Court as part of this sentence.
Lisa Sluder negotiated a guilty-alford plea on one count possession of meth. She was fined $500 with 3 years probation, enter and complete inpatient rehab; one count possession of drug related objects with 12 months probation to run concurrent with count one. Defendant is sentenced for a total of 3 years to be served on probation. The above sentence may be served on probation provided the de-fendant shall comply with the Conditions of Probation imposed by the Court as part of this sentence.
Javier Lakes negotiated a guilty-alford plea on one count riot penal institution. He was fined $50 with 20 years, 2 years to serve, bal. prob.; one count aggravated battery with 20 years, 2 years to serve to run concurrent with count one. Defendant is sentenced for a total of 20 years, with the first 2 years to be served in confinement and the remainer to be served on probation. Defendant is to receive credit for time served in custody as determined by the custodian. Upon service of 2 years, the remainder of the sentence may be served on probation; PROVIDED, that the defendant shall comply with the Con-ditions of Probation imposed by the Court as part of this sentence.
Desi Jackson negotiated a guilty plea on one count armed robbery. He was fined $50 with 20 years, 15 years to serve, bal. prob; one count aggravated assault with 20 years, 15 years to serve to run concurrent with count one; one count possession firearm during commission of crime with 5 years probation to run consecutive with count one; one count aggravated as-sault against LEO with 20 years, 15 years to serve to run concurrent with count one; one count criminal damage to property with 20 years, 15 years to serve to run concurrent with count one; nol pros on one count possession firearm during commission of crime; one count aggravated assault against LEO with 20 years to serve, 15 years to serve to run concurrent with count one; one count theft by rec stolen property with 10 years to serve to run concur-rent with count one; one count theft by rec stolen property with 5 years to serve to run con-current with count one; one count fleeing and eluding with 5 years to serve to run concurrent with count one; one count reckless driving with 12 months to serve to run concurrent with count one; one count possession firearm by convicted felon with 10 years to serve to run con-current with count one. Defendant is sentenced for a total of 25 years, with the first 15 years to be served in confinement and the remainder to be served on probation. Defendant is to receive credit for time served in custody as determined by the custodian. Upon service of 15 years, the remainder of the sentence may be served on probation; PROVIDED, that the defendant shall comply with the condi-tions of probation imposed by the Court as part of this sentence.
Dawannes Butler negotiated a guilty-alford plea on one count unlawful acts of violence on a penal institution. He was fined $50 with 20 years, 2 years to serve, bal. prob.; one count ag-gravated battery with 20 years, 2 years to serve to run concurrent with count one. Defendant is sentenced for a total of 20 years, with the first 2 years to be served in confinement and the remainder to be served on probation. Defendant is to receive credit for time served in custody as determined by the custodian. Upon service of 2 years, the remainder of the sentence may be served on probation; PROVIDED, that the defendant shall comply with the conditions of probation imposed by the Court as part of this sentence.
Steven Davis negotiated a guilty-alford plea on one count interference with gov’t property. He was fined $50 with 5 years, 3 years to serve; one count hindering emergency phone call with 12 months to serve to run concurrent with count one; one count obstruction with 12 months to serve to run concur-rent with count one and two; one count simple battery with 12 months to serve to run concurrent with count one, two and three. Defendant is sentenced for a total of 5 years, with the first 3 years to be served in confinement and the reminder to be served on probation. Defendant is to receive credit for time served in custody as determined by the custodian. Upon service of 3 years, the remain-der of the sentence may be served on probation; PROVIDED, that the defendant shall comply with the conditions of probation imposed by the Court as part of this sentence.
Marvin Mincey negotiated a guilty-alford plea on one count possession of meth. He received 3 years to serve; one count possession of drug related objects with 12 months to serve to run concurrent with count one; one count possession of marijuana <1 oz. with 12 months to serve to run concurrent with count on and two. Defendant is sentenced for a total of 3 years. De-fendant is to receive credit for time served in custody as determined by the custodian.
Wretrick Clark negotiated a guilty plea on one count possession of scheduled IV. He was fined $500 with 3 years probation, enter and complete ITF to run concurrent with 23CR344; one count possession of meth with 3 years probation to run concurrent with count one; pos-session of drug related objects with 12 months probation to run concurrent with count one; one count possession of marijuana less than ounce with 12 months probation to run concur-rent with count one; one count driving with suspended license with 12 months probation to run concurrent with count one; one count seat belt with $15 fine. Defendant is sentenced for a total of 3 years to be served on probation. Defendant is to receive credit for time served in custody as determined by the custodian. The Court sentences the defendant as a recidivist under O.C.G.A. § 17-10-7(c).
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