The Georgia House of Representatives began the sixth week of the 2025 legislative session on Tuesday, February 18, after Presidents’ Day on Monday. By the end of the week, we reached Legislative Day 21, meaning that we are now more than halfway through the session. Last week, my colleagues and I convened for four legislative days, passing a total of 25 bills as we continue to advance legislation to the Senate in preparation for Crossover Day on Thursday, March 6. Legislative Day 28, or Crossover Day, serves as a crucial milestone in the session as it is the final opportunity for bills and resolutions to pass out of their respective chambers and remain eligible to become law. I will highlight a few of the bills we passed last week.
To start the week, the House unanimously passed House Bill 223, reaffirming our commitment to addressing agricultural losses from Hurricane Helene, particularly among those working in the timber industry who were heavily impacted by the storm’s damage. HB 223 is similar to legislation that the Georgia General Assembly passed after Hurricane Michael caused much damage and destruction to Southwest Georgia in 2018. Similar to Michael, following Helene, many in the timber industry incurred significant economic expenses for salvaging downed timber, site clearance, restoration and reforestation. This bill would provide much-needed relief to these hardworking taxpayers as they try to rebuild from the storm’s damage. HB 223 would exclude federal disaster relief payments, federal assistance grants, and federal crop insurance related to Hurricane Helene recovery from counting toward taxable net income for tax years 2024 through 2029. Furthermore, the bill would provide a tax credit for timber losses and a sales tax exemption for building materials used to repair or replace greenhouses or structures used for the production of animals, such as poultry houses or livestock barns. The bill includes $200 million in income tax credits, and if timber producers re-plant following loss, they would be granted up to $400 of credit per acre of property losses. By exempting federal disaster relief payments from taxable income and providing tax credits for timber losses, the bill aims to ensure that those who suffered catastrophic financial setbacks can begin rebuilding without an added tax burden.
The House unanimously passed legislation to strengthen Georgia’s First Offender Act and ensure that individuals who make a single, isolated mistake are given a chance to move forward without that mistake continuing to affect their lives.
House Bill 283, which also passed in the House this week, would allow individuals the choice of whether or not to sign a traffic citation when pulled over by an officer. Currently, the law states that those who do not sign their citation must post a cash bond. Instead, HB 283 would allow individuals the option to refuse to sign without facing immediate arrest or the need to post bond as long as they agree to appear in court. By allowing drivers the right to refuse to sign without immediate legal consequences, the bill would prioritize individuals’ rights, de-escalate situations, and promote public safety.
We also focused on further solidifying Georgia’s position as a leader in workforce readiness with the passage of House Bill 192, the Top State for Talent Act. HB 192 would build on the successes of numerous workforce development initiatives, such as Georgia’s High Demand Career List, compiled by the State Workforce Development Board, the Georgia MATCH Program and legislation passed last year that strengthens articulation agreements. HB 192 would repurpose a grant program to help schools adjust their career, technical, and agricultural education programs to match the High Demand Career List, which would create a more unified and streamlined approach to workforce development.
House Bill 148 also received unanimous passage this week to update the certification process for public accountants in Georgia. HB 148 would update requirements by reducing the education requirement to a four-year college degree with a concentration in accounting, along with two years of relevant work experience. Alternatively, individuals could still obtain licensure by completing a master’s degree with a concentration in accounting or taxation and one year of experience.
We also took a significant step to ease a burden on Georgia families by unanimously passing House Bill 181, which would remove unnecessary costs and delays for families seeking a Georgia Certificate of Foreign Birth for children who have already completed the foreign adoption process and received U.S. citizenship.
My House colleagues and I also turned our attention to enhancing protections for household pets through the passage of House Bill 177, which would allow for a protective order in cases of family violence or dating violence to include provisions for the care, custody, and control of any household pet.
The Georgia House of Representatives will resume its work on Monday, February 24, for our seventh week of the session. Tuesday, February 25, will be dedicated to our first committee workday where the day will be packed with committee meetings to review legislation before we reach Crossover Day. I encourage you to reach out with any questions or concerns regarding the bills being considered. Please don’t hesitate to schedule a phone call or a visit to the State Capitol to discuss matters that are important to you and your family.
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