The Veterans at the Library held their weekly meeting Monday morning, March 17, at 9 a.m. With Chair Johnny Tapley presiding, they had 53 in attendance. Members of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority provided a great breakfast to include sausage biscuits and different flavored donuts and Shari Watt furnished the orange juice, grape juice, apple juice, cranberry juice and cof-fee. The speaker was Compatriot John Derden, retired History Professor from East Georgia State College. John spoke about Lafayette’s tour of Georgia on March 19-31, 1825; 200 years ago this week. Lafayette was the only surviving General of the revolutionary war during his tour, 50 years after the end of the revolutionary war. His tour in Georgia was from Savannah through Augusta, then Warrenton, Sparta, Milledgeville, Jones County, Macon, and Fort Moore (Benning). Lafayette made this trip as part of the 6,000 mile journey across the U.S. that he made in 1825. He traveled by horse, carriage and steamboat. The Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution is reenacting Lafayette’s tour beginning Friday, March 21 through March 28, at each location, with an event at each town. Those East Fall Line Region members participating in Lafayette Tour are Steve Burke, Lee Herrin, Don Bazemore and Dess Smith III.
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